Known globally as an innovative nurse leader. She is the current Academic Chair of the
Association for Nurses Specialized in Wound Ostomy and Continence Care’s (NSWOCC)
Wound Ostomy and Continence Institute (WOC Institute) and an Advanced Practice and
Certied Wound Ostomy Continence nurseworking with KDS Professional Consulting.
She holds a Doctorate in Nursing from Queen’s University. Kimberly is an Adjunct
Professor with the University of Western Ontario Masters in Wound Care Program, an
Aliate Lecturer at McGill University, and an Honorary Senior Lecturer with Cardi
University. Kimberly is a past president and founding member of the International Skin
Tear Advisory Panel and the president elect of the Canadian Pressure Injury Advisory
Panel. Kim will be presenting on issues and solutions with peristomal skin issues.
Speaker Bio